A nice iron casting

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by PatJ, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    I'm curious how they are able to pull patterns like that without losing the lettering and decorative stuff on those curved sections.

    Once upon a time we did some really cool shit in this country without the aid of CNC and high tech materials. 600 bucks is BS for that cover, it's nice, but not that nice!
  3. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

    My guess is "very carefully".
  4. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    If the lettering goes far enough down those curves that just giving the letters really heavy draft still isn't enough to let it pull clean, maybe it was done with loose pattern pieces that would be drawn out of the sand individually, at different angles?

    There are a bunch of ornate street light standard foundry videos on yt showing how those fancy round poles with details on all sides are molded in sand with patterns made up of those kind of loose pieces; I will try to find and link some of those in a bit once I'm home, but you guys have all probably seen the videos I'm thinking of before.

  5. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    I did not forget to look for those light standard molding videos where the loose pattern pieces are used to mold undercuts and still be able to get the pattern out of the sand, it just took me a long time to find them again!

  6. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Nice find Jeff. Good stuff.
  7. cactusdreams

    cactusdreams Copper Banner Member

    Those Spring City vids are classics many of us go back to for reference. Thanks for bringing them back. For PatJ's link I'm thinking molds of more than 2 pieces. I've only cast iron on 3 occasions but each time it flowed like water so I'm not surprised it can fill pretty thin molds.

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