Homemade tongs - not for crucibles

Discussion in 'Foundry tools and flasks' started by Tobho Mott, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Post your own NON-crucible foundry tongs here! We've got a bunch of tongs threads already, but they're all related to crucible tongs.

    These are just for lowering ingots into the crucible through the vent hole in my furnace lid. A little fancier than the flimsy but functional old BBQ tongs I've been getting along with. But in no way do I claim these are actually 'fancy'. Merely a little more trustworthy when adding ingots that are bigger than muffins. I made them out of rebar and some cheap pliers, with the handle end of the pliers used as the jaws of the tongs. Just like someone else's that I saw quite recently, might have been on here or over on AA - if anyone else remembers where, please let me know as I haven't been able to find that post again and would like to give proper credit for the idea.

    I'm no welder, and many would undoubtedly say my little 80A fluxcore machine isn't either. But these new tongs are stuck together good enough to move 15Lb Bronze ingots from one place to another without coming apart. That's far more weight than I'll ever trust them with in actual use.

    Blah blah blah get to the pictures, I get it, OK, fine...



    Hard to see in these pix, but I ground some grooves in the 'jaws' with a thin cutoff disc to give them some added grip. Otherwise stuff would just slide out too easily


    Video of the build, for anyone who might get a laugh out of watching me "weld"...
    (and play nerdy tabletop games, and prove I'm crazy by the lengths I'll go to in order to prove I'm not):

    So, you guys know the rules - I've showed you mine... let's have a look at yours! :D

    Jason likes this.
  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Just for you brother. It was a pair of HF needle nose pliers. Mine works, but needs some refining.

    Tobho Mott likes this.
  3. Artopsy

    Artopsy Copper

    These are em. They were posted on a thread called grinder base.
    Bloody hell, im gunna have to get into this new fangled video thing arnt i?
    Good job jeff


    Attached Files:

    Jason likes this.
  4. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Thanks! Been trying to figure out where I'd seen those... I'll make sure and add a mention in the video's description and the AA post I put up earlier. Can't wait to give them a try with hot stuff present!

  5. Artopsy

    Artopsy Copper

    Dont bother Jeff, ideas are meant for sharing and i have pilfered enough from these forums that im sure im still in arrears.
    (Unless your vid gets several million views of course, then i'll be looking for a split in the wedges of money and all the girls and drugs that come with it! I know how this works..... Ive seen jake paul!)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
  6. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Let's be clear, there are no wedges of money or groupies or parties.

    And nobody reads the descriptions anyhow, as I learned this morning when I discovered some clown had commented on my Bob Ward style stack melter video to accuse me of stealing the idea from an unnamed other youtube channel... o_O

    (And of polluting the earth by burning half a barrel of useless sawmill waste cuts that were bound for the neighbour's firepit anyhow, and of violataing a number of other Geneva conventions):rolleyes:

    Rtsquirrel likes this.
  7. Petee716

    Petee716 Gold Banner Member

    Aw Jeff. And to think I thought "burning shit in a barrel" was your own original idea! Disillusioned is the only word I can think of right now. I'm so upset. Lol

    Tobho Mott likes this.
  8. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Ah youtube.... The A-holes haven't found my channel yet. I know it's only a matter of time until the tree huggers will figure out I'm burning used motor oil and destroying their mother earth.

    Artopsy not only needs to get in the video thing, but it looks like he needs to get in the welder thing! Did you bolt and nut those together?
  9. Artopsy

    Artopsy Copper

    Jason, i'll have you know ive been welding badly for upwards of 10 years now!!! Those beautiful specimens were TIGed together with the speed and agility of someone panicking cos they had a half pot of molten bronze and couldnt find their usual tongs.

    What did you say your youtube channel was called? I need to notify YT about your blatant disregard for the planet...... I bet you just tip the unfiltered sludge from the bottom of the tank straight over a seagull!!!
  10. Artopsy

    Artopsy Copper

    Im with Pete on this one, masquerading as the inventor of such pioneering work as "burning shit in a barrelā„¢" and "making big tongs from smaller tongsĀ©" is the kind of skulduggery id expect from 'planet killing' Jason!
    Im disappointed, Jeff 'Edison' Mott
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
    Rtsquirrel likes this.
  11. Jason

    Jason Gold

    LMAO... When you aren't monetized, YT can't take anything away from you. I've gotten a copyright strike against every video I've posted. And I only use no copyright stuff.
    Screw 'em if they can't take a joke. Right?
    Rtsquirrel likes this.
  12. Artopsy

    Artopsy Copper

    what, seriously? How does that happen?
  13. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Someone out there called repost files against EVERYONE on YT sooner or later. Kinda like the patent scam that's running rampant these days.
    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. Coming soon to my channel..... 4K! I want to suck up as much of there space and bandwidth as possible and not store stuff locally anymore.
  14. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Tobho Mott likes this.
  15. cactusdreams

    cactusdreams Copper Banner Member

    Here's my Tongzilla from some years ago for charging the melt. TongZilla.jpg
    Tops and Tobho Mott like this.
  16. Jason

    Jason Gold

    As long as they work!;)

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