3D printer project...

Discussion in '3D Printing' started by Barrybooth, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    Hey guys, I'm building a 3D printer and getting close to finishing it. If any of you have or are rolling your own we should talk shop.

    Once finished the wax models created on the 3D printer will be used for investment castings.

    Attached Files:

  2. ddmckee54

    ddmckee54 Silver Banner Member

    I've got a Prusa I3 clone from Sunhokey that I built from a kit a few years ago, and Monoprice 3D printer that's a Wanhao D6 clone.

    From the picture it looks like you've got a nice solid printer. What's your build volume? Other stats on printer?

  3. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    Hello Don,
    Its 90% finished but no parts yet because I hit a stone wall with the programming which I suck @. I can get the steppers running separately but not simultaneously under computer control. I wish I never started the build because now decent 3D printers are dirt cheap, well almost. I'm a retired tool & die maker, machanical design eng. so I know my way around machine tools but programming is an enigma to me ugh. My son who is a retired programmer said he'd help me figure it out...well, I'm still waiting. I'm getting close to just going out and buying a good reasonably priced printer and use the parts/equipment for other endeavors.

    How do you like your Prusa clone?
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  4. Jason

    Jason Gold

    You say WAX models??? Does this mean you will be printing WITH wax?
  5. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

  6. What software are you using to control the printer. I use Mach3 for my 3D router, it works easily enough. I bought a JGAurora printer and like it. It's software creates gcode seamlessly from whatever model I give it. I generally use Fusion360 to create .stl files.

    Two points I like best about my printer is I can change filament without damaging the model and it autorecovers from a power failure without a hitch. That's important when you live out in the country.

    New printers are too cheap to mess with creating your own in my opinion. Primarily the software interface. I would expect if a person bought a cheap one and learned to use it he could transfer that knowledge into a superior home assembled one.
  7. Interesting link. I suggest you get proficient at printing with PLA before tackling a problem filament. But I'm an old guy and like to crawl before I walk.
  8. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    Now after all the headaches I've had trying to get it to run properly I fully agree and I'm going to get one soon. Can you give me any recommendation to take under advisement, it would be most helpful! There's so many of them out there and they all have glowing bullshit reviews. Thank you Andy, I'm no programmer and fully admit it. Ah we live and learn, some of us the hard way like me! Happy 4th!
  9. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    It was only given it as an example for Jason whats out there Andy he asked about not from expertise for sure... Barry
  10. I have only one printer, the JGAurora and it's been very satisfactory. I'm no expert.
  11. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    You're no expert? Hell I'm a rank beginner and don't know shit for sure ha ha! I'll check out the JGAurora Andy,. thank you so much!
  12. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Uh yeah, I've heard horror stories about that wax filament. I was afraid you were going to post that one.
    Meanwhile, I am waiting for the holy grail before I get a printer.:(
  13. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    Waiting for the Holy Grail is like a dog chasing his tail. The way tech advances today Jason what's the latest and greatest today is history by tomorrow! I'm an old fart and one thing I've learned over many years is to just jump in the water and learn how to swim before you drown...
  14. Jason

    Jason Gold

    That stuff you posted has been around for a decade. This is one area where they have hit a wall. As the guys said, use PLA to learn with, learn how to smooth the ugly lines and use this thing to make patterns to cast from.
  15. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    Yes it is, something a bit newer is 3D Printing with Polymers. The latest and greatest 3D wire machines are really phenomenal. Do a little more research and you will see the difference from yesterday, today and tomorrow. Its all a matter of time.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
  16. Jason

    Jason Gold

    We still run the old B9C resin 3d printer for jewelry work. It's cheap and reliable. The burnout schedule is stupid and it's really made for small stuff. Some day they will finger this shit out. I thought adam bean industries was going to pull it off with that cx9 stuff, but who knows where he vanished too. I heard claims of some kind of medical thing ..:rolleyes::rolleyes: Probably on a beach in Tahiti.:rolleyes:
  17. Barrybooth

    Barrybooth Silver

    Hocus Pocus, we've all seen it happen and heard about it. When it's in my hands then I'm a believer!

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