Arizona Lost Wax Artist

Discussion in 'Lost wax casting' started by Al2O3, Sep 20, 2023.

  1. Al2O3

    Al2O3 Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    I was visitng family in Scottdale last week and took a 2hr spin up the road to Sedona. Took in some desert off roading and the rock formations and came back into town and through the arts village. First place I walked into had a bunch of neat wildlife bronzes and the fella that did them happened to be there working this Raven in wax.

    I asked him if he did his own foundry work. The answer was no, and what respect he had for the artisans who do, and asked if I had such an interest and I told him I had a home foundry and a little about my work and the THF forum. A 20 minute conversation ensued.

    Sedona Arts Village 9-2023 A.jpg

    BattyZ, Rocketman, DavidF and 4 others like this.
  2. mytwhyt

    mytwhyt Silver

    It would be interesting to know what the black wax he's using is, and who supplies it. Do they have a dot com address?
  3. Al2O3

    Al2O3 Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

  4. Nick Lazenby

    Nick Lazenby Copper

    I’m always fascinated and impressed by the surface finishing in sculpture and how it can shift the lens of focus when approaching how you operate your home foundry. This is especially true anytime it’s achieved via other means outside the actual wax negative.

    Something I’ve been tangentially working on is an oxy torch rig that subjects ur nonferrous metals to sustained, targeted heat. It’s almost inside out casting and some interesting bubbles and molten river trail patters.

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