Bentonite crusher.

Discussion in 'Sand Casting' started by Bruce Shankle, May 16, 2022.

  1. Bruce Shankle

    Bruce Shankle Copper

    Here’s a video of a simple way I came up with to powered bentonite clay for making green sand.

    Tops likes this.
  2. rocco

    rocco Silver

    You do know powdered bentonite is readily right?
    Bruce Shankle likes this.
  3. Also it turns to a slurry if you get it really wet and let the bentonite settle and pour off the excess water.
    Bruce Shankle likes this.
  4. Bruce Shankle

    Bruce Shankle Copper

    I’ve heard it’s available at pottery stores, but there’s something about doing it myself from kitty litter that just feels good.
  5. Bruce Shankle

    Bruce Shankle Copper

    Interesting. I had tried refining some white clay like that once but the amount of patience required to wait for it to settle was beyond my level at the time.
  6. The trick is to forget about it and go and do something else for the day, after a few hours you go back and pour off the clear water on top. I was doing this until I found some sacks of roughly powdered bentonite as a stock feed supplement for dirt cheap (literally). It still has lumps in it but they go after the first mulling or so.
    Bruce Shankle likes this.
  7. Tops

    Tops Silver Banner Member

    Bruce, what is the mechanism of the kitty litter grinder? Sliding weight? Just curious. I'd rather buy it powdered from my pottery supply store along with graded sand from the other supply store three blocks away...
  8. Bruce Shankle

    Bruce Shankle Copper

    I’ve just got some random pieces of 2” round stock banging around in there. I can make about 5 pounds of finely powdered bentonite in about 10 minutes or so.
    Chazza and Tops like this.

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