Comedy from Edmonton

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by Rtsquirrel, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. Rtsquirrel

    Rtsquirrel Silver

    I'm not sure if this is a good spot to post.
    But this is good for a 2 min. 30 second chuckle.
    Two "youts" gone astray in a convenience store...
  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Awesome. I see about 3 times the first officer had every right to kill that guy. (but this is canada after all)
    Now the chick falling through the ceiling was priceless. She got lucky by 2inches or would have split her dumb ass in HALF!
    Rtsquirrel likes this.
  3. Petee716

    Petee716 Gold Banner Member

    Ain't they got those electrocuter guns in Canada? Those things take down all but the bonafide crazy.

    Jason and Rtsquirrel like this.
  4. Rtsquirrel

    Rtsquirrel Silver

    As soon as I saw her climb the shelf & disappear, I knew it was going to be raining brunettes before too long.
    I believe her boyfriend got the tazer after he got up from the prone position. Never, I repeat, NEVER change positions after laying face down for a cop. Your adjustments are deemed "agression" in the eyes of the law.
  5. Jason

    Jason Gold

    That video should be a PSA. "You don't want none of that taser, take the ass whopping instead"
    Rtsquirrel likes this.

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