'Found Items' in the shell?

Discussion in 'Lost wax casting' started by Kurtis Kiesel, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Kurtis Kiesel

    Kurtis Kiesel Silver

    'Found items' often are something that is embedded in a sculpture. A good way to think about it is, why sculpt a life size statue holding a hammer, just put a hammer in the clay? I happen to have a sculpture that has a found item that is a simple copper wire. When I re-cast this sculpture in cold cast bronze I just cut a new piece of wire, bend a hook in it and re-insert it into the mold.

    Has anyone ever heard of someone doing this in a bronze lost wax sculpture? My biggest concern is the ceramic shell-cracking because of expansion, or the wire falling out during vitrification.

    Here is the relief I have the mold for:


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