Hello all

Discussion in 'New member introductions' started by Charlie, Sep 19, 2020.

  1. Charlie

    Charlie Lead

    I’m an absolute noob to this, as in haven’t casted a thing yet. I’m here gathering information and seeing what it takes to get started. Thanks for letting me join!
  2. Petee716

    Petee716 Gold Banner Member

    Welcome Charlie. What got you interested?

  3. Charlie

    Charlie Lead

    Thanks! Likely like many of the people that are newer to the craft, my interest comes from watching a ton of videos on YouTube - everything from casting that was done for boats like SV Seeker to jewelry casting.
  4. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Figure out WHAT you wanna cast and we can assist recommending a method to get you there. Lot's of options like sand casting, ceramic shell or solid block investment. Some require more support gear than others, but all will need a furnace to melt metal.

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