I have decided... YT suxs!

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by Jason, May 13, 2018.

  1. Jason

    Jason Gold

    I have decided YT (google actually) is a total piece of shit. I have my YT account setup so folks cannot see who I subscribe to for obvious reasons. I just pulled a simple search for bronze casting sorted by date and do you think I can find my own work? NOPE! This is not the first time I have seen my stuff not coming up in a search.
    The most recent work of mine that comes up at the moment is 3 months old! I thought perhaps it was because of some semi-copyright music so I put up some stuff with ZERO music. That's not it either. I've had many people tell me they can't even find my channel name! WTF is that? Hell, I can't even find myself if I'm not logged in. Total BS.

    I doubt my tin foil hat is too tight and it's no secret, that I am politically conservative. But I have become convinced I get shoved down the rat hole because of channels I am subbed to and the few comments I have made on those channels along the way. This doesn't mean I will stop posting stuff as I believe it is helping others and myself along. I never expected to make a single dime off it, but I did EXPECT to be treated equally in a friggen search engine and not SCREWED OVER because I didn't buy into hillarys bullshit. I am really starting to believe the platform is dying. The scammers moved in long ago and they have no problem re uploading your work as their own. When you find it, you can't even report it to help a brother out. It's up to the original owner to make the claim. I hope something better comes along, because at this rate, working one's ass off to provide these scumbags quality content so they can't be bothered to display it will cause people to stop uploading.

    If you don't believe me, pull up the search window, type in bronze casting and hit by upload date. Latest work I see is my roses. I wonder how much content I MISS OUT ON made by others that YT doesn't think they should show ME? Time to start working the meta tags i guess.

    ~rant off~

    Who are the questionable channels I sub to you ask?

    https://www.youtube.com/user/MarkDice conservative
    https://www.youtube.com/user/Styxhexenhammer666 (he's a libertarian)
    https://www.youtube.com/user/TokyoAtomic (Black pigeon speaks)
    https://www.youtube.com/user/PrisonPlanetLive (paul joseph watson)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yewGHQbNFpDrGM0diZOLA (Sargon of AKKAD)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp4oMaqaY0hIoT9jafj1g8g (1791L)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUhJlurBdyGwVyyaAdwS9w (Ashton Birdie)
    Last edited: May 13, 2018
  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    I jacked with the titles and some are showing at the moment. What a crock of crap. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  3. Just searched for "Bronze Casting" and result number three was your "Fibonacci Fox part 2" and result four was your "Boiling ceramic shell part 2" videos. That said, your videos swapped places and dropped down the page once I went to the second page of results and then back to the first page. Rerunning the search had your "Bronze lost wax process part 4 of 4" coming in at result number three and two of your videos at number six and seven. Hope this helps!
    Jason likes this.
  4. Jason

    Jason Gold

    yeah I had to do some tweaking with the titles to make them work. such a joke. No rhyme or reason for this..:rolleyes: Thanks Mark.
  5. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Do you put a lot of relevant tags on your videos when uploading them? I'd not, adding those ought to help people find them. Stuff like, "metal casting", "lost wax", "ceramic shell", "pouring molten bronze on an iPhone", etc...

  6. I put plenty of tags on my videos when uploading them, just about anything remotely relevant to the topic. It seems to help the search algorithms.
  7. HT1

    HT1 Gold Banner Member

    Man I dont want to be that guy but ...
    your channel name is being lost in the mix ..
    in a relevance search i had trouble finding you, but did.
    if I did by date, your work popped first page... Obviously the newest...
    I dont THINK YT is politically blacklisting you, but YT relevance filter obviously included data from view and like count, and that is hurting you

    V/r HT1
  8. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Hey, look what comes up now when I search for your channel name!


    It's a fair bit of scrolling down the list and a few spots behind one of the many differently spelled 'world traveler' channels (2 words in this case) - one that only has one video uploaded, lol - and a couple spots behind a makeup tutorial of all things, but it's there... I'd call that progress! :D A couple days ago I tried and wound up giving up and hunting through my list of subbed channels instead, because I wasn't finding you at all with a YT search. Maybe that recent 200th sub bumped you up a notch in the search algorithm? :rolleyes:

    A couple of videos of people unboxing your stuff (Fritz's and some other guy's whose name I'm not gonna try to pronounce) came up higher up on the list, as well as the fairly recent video where our friend cae2100 from the 'chirpy's tinkerings' channel mentioned yours among his favourite smaller channels.

    Just for sharts and gargles I looked up my channel name to see if it would find me. With almost the exact subs count as yours, mine came up top hit, even before the Game of Thrones related hit with Sean Bean's picture in the thumbnail... So maybe you really are being suppressed.

    Then again, there are tons of worldtraveler and world traveler channels, so maybe it's really just as simple as that... I mean, how many Tobho Mott channels can there be - nobody even knows how to pronounce it!

  9. _Jason

    _Jason Silver

    While we're on the subject: can/how do you change your YouTube channel name?
  10. Jason

    Jason Gold

    All good points guys. I've just had a little bit of down time to think about this. Those of you that have made lengthy complex videos know how much work goes into them. I suppose it's time to change the channel name and go bat crazy with the tags. If people were actually able to see what cool stuff we do in our garages and backyards, maybe they will realize dumping copper on phones doesn't take any skill whatsoever.

    Case in point. "copper on aluminum ball"
    Look for my comment there. LMAO!:p
  11. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Good question, I don't know if it's even possible. Hope so.
  12. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    DavidF did it at some point since starting this forum; he used to be aonemarine but now he's thehomefoundry...

  13. Jason

    Jason Gold

    That's right, I forgot about that. Any name suggestions??? Maybe, "Not pouring metal on cat ballz?" or "Practical uses for hot metal"
    How about, "The Bronze Crucible" ??????? Kinda like that one!
  14. HT1

    HT1 Gold Banner Member

    I know this will probably cause a fight, but to really get onto YT's radar and monetize for real cash you need daily high quality content in our area of expertise no lone person can pull that off,

    Now here is the fight : if a group of people got together to form a casting YT channel with many people contributing, you could get the SUb and likes up high enough to make a real usable channel and you could get regular content since each caster would only have to make a quality video a percentage of the tiem

    V/r HT1
  15. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Hmm.. A group YT channel. Not a half bad idea. IF and that's a really big IF, monetized funds could be recycled into the forum.
    People being what they are, someone would want to pour hot metal on an iphone, it would go viral and then a lawsuit pursues over who gets the 9bucks.... lol
  16. HT1

    HT1 Gold Banner Member

    it really should not be that hard, but I think YT would make it that hard, because their partnering math is fuzzy at best meaning(I suspect ) you could never know which video made what, and I suspect the channels overall performance loops into that in some manner on a sliding bell or some other curious manner , so that yes one guy could have a cow that his video was the bomb and everyone is ripping him off, that of course would require legal CYOA up front, probably payment based on minutes of monotized content provided by each member each month or some other firm manner... in short it would be complicated, but doable... what is most likely to happen is one person to get a reality TV show, and leave the group and take most everything with him... (SHRUG)
    V/r HT1
  17. Rasper

    Rasper Silver

    Don't you guys think it time to come to grips with the threat that Google is to, not only to your privacy, to your security. Same with Facebook. They track everything you do, and sell the information. What more do you need to know? Stay completely away from both of them? Use Duck Duck Go as a search engine. They don't put cookies on your computer.

  18. Petee716

    Petee716 Gold Banner Member

    I think a group effort to monetize would be a rat hole best avoided. Even a group dump would distract us from our real purpose here. Sharing with each other is our real goal here, not an education mission. Not saying anyone wants it to be that, but i think the camaraderie we enjoy here is too important to muddy with outside stuff-at a group level anyhow. Some guys are artisan level, others are hacks, and still others are novices yet to join one of the other two groups. I dont think any hoped-for success as YT'ers would add a single benefit to our forum, unless our goal is something other than simply sharing the satisfaction of learning and growing in our common interest.
    My 2 cents

    littos likes this.
  19. Zapins

    Zapins Gold

    YT puts people it thinks others want to watch at the top of the search list. That is based on likes and views and subscribes. If you don't have enough people liking and following then it puts your video way far down on the search bar even if you type the exact title in. Its not a conspiracy just another way for them to make more money off our asses by ensuring their ads get more views. It is extremely frustrating though.
  20. Jason

    Jason Gold

    When I use my laptop to watch YT, I NEVER see a single commercial. Mobile devices are different for me. Does this have anything to do with monetized vs non-monitized content? I say the less commercials the better. This way YT doesn't make a dime of me and neither do I. That would be satisfaction enough for me. If they want to push channels with ads, that's their business. Just keep them the hell off my work. Imagine trying to customize an ad for the kind of work we do? They would end up showing my viewers friggen BRONZE MAKEUP ads by MaryKay.:confused:

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