Investment flask

Discussion in 'Foundry tools and flasks' started by Rtsquirrel, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. Rtsquirrel

    Rtsquirrel Silver

    Okay, the vacuum chamber lid is complete & I'm ready to mix/pour investment on my Reishii project. But wait...
    I don't have any flasks large enough.
    I need 4. I have a food grade container from some Costco peanuts, but need 3 more: 7" diameter, 6" tall.
    I thought about using some scrap duct metal.
    Thoughts from those who do lost wax, full investment?
    I don't have suspendaslurry, i'm using SRS Silk.
  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Cheap gallon water jugs. Cut em down to size. Also hit up your local goodwill or salvation army. I get tons of disposable cooking crap outta those stores. Like pots and pans etc. Those silicon baking dishes are awesome for wax and investment work.
    Rtsquirrel likes this.
  3. Rtsquirrel

    Rtsquirrel Silver

    Good idea. Thx

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