Julian's modular flask

Discussion in 'Foundry tools and flasks' started by rocco, Dec 7, 2019.

  1. rocco

    rocco Silver

    I'm sure quite a few of you have been following youtuber Julian HG's efforts to create a modular flask pattern. For those of you that haven't, Julian (aka Akita in AA) has been designing a modular 3d printed flask pattern system that can be assembled in various sizes and configurations. After several attempts, he's come up with a successful design and used those patterns to cast and assemble a usable prototype flask. His videos are quite entertaining and informative, with his flask videos it's been interesting to see the design evolve through several iterations to the final product. The flask series is 9 videos long, here is the final one where all of the pieces come together.

    Tobho Mott and JCSalomon like this.
  2. DavidF

    DavidF Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

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