Navy sand testing

Discussion in 'Sand Casting' started by HT1, May 29, 2020.

  1. HT1

    HT1 Gold Banner Member

    lots of interest in sand testing. alot of people using the Navy Foundry Manuel
    here is a more updated version, and yes it is now 30 years out of date, but it is better then the 80 years for the Foundry Manuel

    here is the additional navy info. why two books that overlap, it has to do with the rank and responsibilities of the member

    why two books that overlap, it has to do with the rank and responsibilities of the member

    V/r HT1
    Mister ED likes this.
  2. HT1

    HT1 Gold Banner Member

    here is a moisture meter that says it will work on sand.

    Now I'll say this once, if you use known materials... sand is a science... so if you buy AFS rated sand, and proper additives, and weigh out everything you will get consistent scientific, repeatable results .
    That is out of the reach of hobbiests, I get it , that is why i dont do green sand or cast iron, I only work with petrobond, because it takes all the variables out .
    Many years ago as a Hobbiest I tried green sand , I quickly realised I could not make it happen. I dumped the idea and moved on. if you can source western and southern bentonite you can succeed where i failed

    V/r HT1
    Nick Lazenby likes this.
  3. dennis

    dennis Silver

  4. Billy Elmore

    Billy Elmore Silver

    I think too much emphasis is put into those micro variables. We used to have old guys that tested the sand by squeezing it. If it wasnt the way he liked it he would mull up another batch real quick and tell everyone to dump the last one. Im using the same sand and the old guy's squeeze method and have had only one issue where the sand was too wet (and I knew it and got exactly what I deserved for using it anyway).LOL As long as I can squeeze it and the majority sticks in a lump in my hand without feeling damp...Im molding it. Im using synthetic silica sand out of our landfill. Just had to screen it really well before using...already got bond added. We will give you all you want..along with lots of debris...mostly concrete and gravel and cast iron vents and ingates.LOL
    Tobho Mott likes this.

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