New TV Series

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by OCD, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. OCD

    OCD Silver

    Who say TV writers and producers don't indulge in hallucinogenics?

  2. _Jason

    _Jason Silver

    Pretty good show so far. Violent and slightly neurotic, but well done.
  3. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Have any of you been watching the netflix series "Stranger things" ? I'm on episode 3, pretty good so far without the above weirdness. Last year some folks gave us some tickets to see Mystere at Treasure Island in vegas. About the only thing I figured out, it had something to do with a pregnant telletubby... It's probably a good show if you are strung out on LSD. This was a photo from the finale... Sorry I missed the shot of the teletubby.

  4. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    I told my DVR to record Happy but so far, annoyingly, it's only managed to catch 2 episodes... so I apparently missed the start of the series. But the 2 I did get, I watched just yesterday and really liked. Possibly in part because I was on some good cold/sinus pills and a little feverish. Funny, crazy stuff. Definitely not for watching while the young kids are still up though!

    Have also seen both seasons of Stranger Things, a good throwback to movies from the 80's, which is also when it is set. I had the same demogorgon miniature from their D&D game in an early episode when I was a kid, can confirm it is period accurate... :D

    That big snail thing reminds me a little of a cutesy version of La Machine (think, giant robot spider and dragon), which came here last summer to dance-fight through the city for a week or so.

  5. Jason

    Jason Gold

    I find it easy to believe Jeff you owned a demogorgan... Bet you owned that plastic tower game too.... Those should be worth a few bucks by now?
  6. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Nope, I had to google that one, it is called "dark tower" from what I could turn up. First eBay hit I saw was asking $335...

    The board itself looks a little bit like a game we did play a lot though, called Talisman, if the board for Talisman had been round instead of rectangular. You had to pick a character to play as randomly from a deck of cards and go around collecting items until you were powerful enough to take control of the center of the board win the game. (Don't worry, I'm going somewhere with this...)

    Mostly I remember hoping not to draw the Minstrel. Not only did his powers totally suck, but the other guys would make fun of whoever ended up with him every time the "Minstrel" did a full "cycle" around the board... :D Heh. Minstrel cycle... Dammit, that's still every bit as funny as it was when I was 12!


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