Petro Bond from P1 or P2 Powder/Clay

Discussion in 'Sand Casting' started by Tops, Jun 15, 2023.

  1. Tops

    Tops Silver Banner Member

    Is anyone making their own Petro Bond from either the P1 (uncatalyzed) or P2 (catalyzed) powder/clay and adding the required sand, oil, and catalyst (if required)?
    So far I have only bought pre-mixed.

    I saw the Sandrammer videos on YouTube and have gotten ahold of this recipe:


    -Is there more than one outfit making the powder, organoclay+iron oxide+???
    -Is the above recipe still the one?

  2. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    I wish. The one supplier I know of up here in Ontario, Canada only carries premixed petrobond, no powder or oil or catalyst.

  3. Tops

    Tops Silver Banner Member

    Bummer. It's not a slam dunk here either. It used to be stocked about 20 miles away, now that is more like 6 hours drive one-way or pay for shipping on top of product and handling. Occasionally I travel close to the one stocking point so the shipping money could go into the gas tank. They no longer carry the catalyst either. Propylene Carbonate was not hard to get for my K-Bond.

    I am also open to any tips and trick for mixing and maintaining and troubleshooting Petro Bond and K-Bond.

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