Sealant? - spray on

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by Kurtis Kiesel, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. Kurtis Kiesel

    Kurtis Kiesel Silver

    Anyone recommend a spray on laquer?
  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Depends on if you want to keep reapplying?? Sharkskin is a good coating... But so is clear nail polish. Clear powder coating is another option. What are we coating and where will it live?
  3. DavidF

    DavidF Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Mohawk lacquer for brass...
  4. Kurtis Kiesel

    Kurtis Kiesel Silver

  5. Kurtis Kiesel

    Kurtis Kiesel Silver

  6. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Yup.. that's sharkhide. expensive, but I hear it's worth it.
  7. Zapins

    Zapins Gold

    Yeah Mohawk lacquer for brass or bees wax/turpentine. The old standard.
  8. Kurtis Kiesel

    Kurtis Kiesel Silver

    I have heard from a blacksmith that min-wax wipe on poly works really well. Anyone hear that or use it?
  9. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Any kind of can wax will work. It's a once a year thing if outside. I'm using bowling alley wax in a can. Heat the part and brush the wax on. Once it cools and solidifies, ya buff it to a shine. Kinda stinks for the first couple days. I dont trust it for high shine. That's what clear in a spray can is for.

    Works good on machined surfaces too.
  10. Kurtis Kiesel

    Kurtis Kiesel Silver

    I use to be big in the transformers toy scene, we would apply floor polish to joints to thicken them. Hmmm. Now I am wondering if I should give my floorpolish a test...

    Hmmm rainx.... Hmmmm.

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