Hopefully you figured out "marbles" right away. After all I did provide an ebay link to some nice red ones..
We all need help around here! Minds STRAIGHT to the gutter. Do not google scat, you'll lose your appetite. Someone got me once with that whole two balls one cup whatever the hell it was.
When the scat hits the fan, so to speak. I finally figured it out, when you want to blast the sh!t out of something.
yea, ok I googled it... which lead me to finding this snip it Scatology, study of animal feces Which must meat that there is a scatologist ?? wonder what they know exactly???
David is going to have to start a new thread on this one ... we've managed to take this one right down the tubes (er, sewer pipes). I think we are all a bit stir crazy, waiting for spring to arrive.
Yup, it's definitely February... https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a79afa32-20a7-409f-8e7f-3eb8b1abaf3b Jeff
Working on a gating system. I might choke down the gate before it enters the casting to see if it helps any...
I'm curious why you're coming in at the top of the casting, if I'm seeing the basin and runner/gate right.
I plan on not attaching any vents, and have concerns with the melt freezing before it completely fills the cavity if I gated into the bottom......
You know what, Ill go ahead and print a couple more and flip them on the same tree to see what happens.....
This is the pouring well and sprue that will be down the center... just have to wait for it to finish printing...