How long do partially written but not yet posted new threads last

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by Melterskelter, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. Melterskelter

    Melterskelter Gold Banner Member

    In the last few days I was writing a new thread and pasting in pictures. I had written a few hundred words and pasted in a half dozen pics but needed one or two pics more to finish the post properly. So, it sat for maybe a day until I got that photo made yesterday. Was I ever disappointed to go to the forum and find the thread had evaporated.

    So, just wondering how long a partial new thread post lasts and also the same for composed but not yet posted comments.

    Could the “New Thread” header have a note or banner indicating how long you have until posting?

  2. DavidF

    DavidF Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    This is something that would be designed into the software, not something I have control over. But I will look at your individual permissions and see if there may be some sort of work around....
  3. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    I've lost long posts this way before while checking another window for a minute or less. I come back and it's gone. Other times I revisit an old thread months later and there's still a draft of something I decided not to post ages ago sitting there.

    Sometimes hitting "preview post" before going to another window seems to help keep a draft post from disappearing, but not always. Typing it all out in ie., Notepad first then adding photos after pasting the text into the forum seems more foolproof, if a little cumbersome.

  4. Rob Hall

    Rob Hall Copper

    Yup, don't go take a rest-break while typing a post I found out today....

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