Casting poker chips in copper and brass

Discussion in 'Request casting service' started by Brianf1977, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. Brianf1977

    Brianf1977 Lead

    Just C&P my post from a FB group looking for help.

    I've read forums and watched videos and countless posts and I've learned I'm not ready to invest the time given my schedule but I do have something I'd like to do. So if anyone knows somebody I can get in contact to do brass and copper pieces for me I'd appreciate it.

    If it matters I have the raw material


    Looking for roughly 50-100 (cost depending) standard sized chips cast. Design will be minimal, I can CNC engrave any details myself.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
  2. Peedee

    Peedee Silver

    I'll bite, the raw materials are the least of the needs for a way forward to casting (note: casting not forging as your other thread suggests) An image and more details would be helpful, there are plenty of people here that can cast for you but the information so far is a bit limited to get any constructive comment.
  3. Brianf1977

    Brianf1977 Lead

    Fair enough, I'll edit my post to reflect more detail. My intro post was just that, an intro. I did ask for casting here in this post. I do appreciate your advice as well. Thank you
  4. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

  5. FishbonzWV

    FishbonzWV Silver Banner Member

    Welcome Brian,
    So you want a hundred and you're a machinist?
    I bet if you could supply a couple of 5 gang dies, someone might take you up on it.
    I only do Aluminium so I'm out.
  6. Brianf1977

    Brianf1977 Lead

    Yeah I was thinking about that earlier, I don't thi k I'd have a problem milling out the die for it. Maybe an exchange of services lol.

    Also aluminum is on my list, I was shooting for aluminum, bronze, copper, and maybe one day if I get enough for silver
  7. FishbonzWV

    FishbonzWV Silver Banner Member

    I've heard pure copper is a bitch to cast. Maybe you could get by with yellow brass, red brass, aluminium bronze, bronze?
    Just trying to help your endeavor.
  8. HT1

    HT1 Gold

    just go to a custom coin company, they can do exactly what you want better and much cheaper then we can. stamping is the proper technique anyway, not casting.
    is great if not the cheapest,

    a google search for custom challenge coins will give you hundreds of results

    V/r HT1
    FishbonzWV likes this.
  9. Brianf1977

    Brianf1977 Lead

    I appreciate the help
  10. Brianf1977

    Brianf1977 Lead

    What makes stamping the better choice? At a minimum of 500 dollars it seems fairly expensive
  11. HT1

    HT1 Gold

    Stamping is how actual coins are made . even back into antiquity, and Unless there is a minimum I'm not seeing you can get 50 coins for 350 +SH if you move the Volume up the price cut /coin gets very good

    if you want to engrave them yourself, Just buy blanks
    24 for $40 in copper, cant beat that with a stick

    V/r Ht1
  12. Brianf1977

    Brianf1977 Lead

    They didn't have the thickness I was looking for but these ones are pretty close. Looks like i might need to figure out how to stamp instead. Thanks for the help again

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