Discussion in 'Request casting service' started by Tranby1, Dec 26, 2024.

  1. Tranby1

    Tranby1 Copper

    Hello, I am developing a lighting fixture for use in the restoration of a railway/railroad dining carriage. The fixture, previously known as a gasolier requires a couple of semi complex or challenging castings. One such part is shown in the image attached. I need to maintain as much detail of the hand section as possible. Would anyone be willing to help by casting six of these as mu capabilities are very much in the early learning stages? I would supply a .STL of the finalised model (the image shown requires a little refinement). Please note, the actual fixture will be illuminated by LED not gas!

    Attached Files:

  2. woolstar

    woolstar Copper

    You might try 3D printing with investment resin for the hands, and then just machine the other parts and connect with threaded rod or something. Even a small desktop vacuum flask should be able to handle it at that point. Probably wouldn't try to get all that detail without vacuum.
  3. Tranby1

    Tranby1 Copper

    Hi Many thanks for the suggestion, will examine this suggestion although the hands will have a rod passed through that will connect with a tube - the hand being there to provide stability to the tube, hence needs to be robust.
  4. Al2O3

    Al2O3 Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

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