Newbie learning the ropes Mulled up my first batch of oil based sand today although finding the Bentone 34 in this part of the world was a real PITA. Looks and feels excellent. Will pour tomorrow. Have been accessing the forum here for years and finally decided to take the plunge so I can veiw some of the photos Anyway I am already very familiar with a lot of the regular posters on this site and am looking forward to continuing - now with pictures!!!! Charlie
Welcome Charlie. Membership not only allows you to view the pictures but also to post them........ Best, Kelly
Subtle Kelly,. Seriously thought, welcome Charlie. And if you didn't get the hint from Kelly, we like pictures, show us what you've been doing.
Yep sure. Bentone 34 sourced from a company called Elementis after almost six months of back and forth negotiations. I dealt with the guys in the Asia Pacific team (in India) so not sure how guys in the US of A would go. Charlie
Sorry, brain freeze. On reading the above responses thoroughly I finally realise I should have included a picture so........ this is when I first got the clay. Have made a couple of batchs now.