Controlling WAX shrink.

Discussion in 'Lost wax casting' started by Jason, May 4, 2019.

  1. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Repoured it a stage at a time laying on its side. NO SHRINK! So I came up with this winner idea. New pipe, no gap, just taped the ends and drilled a fill hole. I'll fill it slowly over a couple hrs and viola! She'll be hard a wedding day.... nvr mind.

  2. Do you have that tilted enough to know it is running to the other end? So here's another idea. Stand your pipe upright and insulate all but the bottom six inches, then insulate again, all but the bottom foot, and so on so when you pour it full the wax will harden from the bottom up and the top part should act as a riser and feed the lower part as it progressively cools.

    Finding an A&P guy to install anything for $100 is a real deal.
  3. DavidF

    DavidF Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    I put a hook in my mold. Lol
  4. Jason

    Jason Gold

    That's an idea andy wrapping the pipe. Yeah shes got a slight lean so it fills.

    100bucks is a bargain, I wont get out of bed for less than 5. That's why the beer too.
  5. Cheap date, I won't get in bed for less than $100.
    Jason likes this.

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