Appetizer bowls and spoons. Lost wax/Bronze

Discussion in 'Lost wax casting' started by fakedoc, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. fakedoc

    fakedoc Copper

    just started on small shapes to get a hang of wax work. Will keep you posted after polishing. Does anyone know if it is safe to eat out of small bronze bowls occasionally? It is dangerous to eat my food anyway. Bowls done. Spoons to come soon.

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  2. DavidF

    DavidF Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    If you live in California then yes one bite of food from those bowls will kill you... Anywhere else you should be fine.

    Were the castings done in block investment??
    Jason likes this.
  3. Jason

    Jason Gold

    lol.. David is right. Bronze is 94% copper and by it's nature is antimicrobial.... HOWEVER, the green corrosion is said to be HIGHLY TOXIC.

    So if you have to eat out of it. I would clear coat it or apply a clear powder coating to it.
    Nice wax work. How'd you do it?
  4. Zapins

    Zapins Gold

    I think it might be possible to tin coat the inside. I saw a video on YouTube on how these Indian repair men coated old brass and copper pots with fresh tin to make them food safe. It didn't look hard. But I think they used some sort of chemical as a flux. I'm unsure what it was. Will need to dig up the video and see if they posted it in the comments.

    If you click edit, then click insert pictures as full images it will post all photos into your post instead if as thumbnails. That way we don't have to click on each one individually to make them big.

    Here's the video of the casting. I fixed the end part ;)
  5. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Cool, those came out nice. I suggest welding up some ingot molds as a future project.

    I remember HT1 mentioning tinning copper alloys for food safety a while back. I think it had to do with those giant brass bullet mugs he makes. Sounds like an interesting process.

  6. fakedoc

    fakedoc Copper

    What does investment block mean? Boy I am learning a new language here
  7. fakedoc

    fakedoc Copper

    What is a block investment? Learning all kinds of new stuff
  8. Jason

    Jason Gold

    That was shell work David.
  9. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Block investment is the kind of lost wax casting that isn't done in ceramic shell molds. More like a plaster type mixture.

    Jason likes this.
  10. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Think jewelry and super fine detail work for block investment. Shell is the next best thing for grabbing detail. (Wait for the noise from the sand guys that can cast finger prints):rolleyes::D

    I see finger prints in my ceramic shell work. Its impressive stuff.

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