Lets kick off the forum with its first ever casting contest! I was wandering the stores the other day and saw that stuff for Halloween was starting to show up already and thought to myself Here we go! The rules are pretty simple, the item cast must be of the Halloween theme> Skulls, bones, spiders coffins, etc. You get the idea To keep things simple judging will be by registered members via a poll voting for what they feel is the best thread entered into the contest showing how they created the casting, and the finished casting. It must also be a new project, not one previously posted on the internet or started before this contest began. Your thread should consist of text and photos of the process, video is allowed but only as a summary at the end of the thread. I realize time is short and most of us keep ourselves buried with other projects but if you can participate, and you are our lucky winner, then you will receive a prize of...... A clean crisp $100.00 dollar bill (Provided we get at least 10 entrants) So tell others, invite them to the forum and lets get the ball rolling!! If you plan on entering this contest please start a thread in this category with >>> (your user name) Halloween casting contest 2017 (prize will be sent by paypal)
?? Any more rules we need to know about, or does it just have to be Hallowe'enyand a well documented metal casting project? A Just halloweenie and a new project. Registered members will judge the contest on how well the thread is doccumented, and the quality of the content. I didnt want thecontest to be judged by the finished casting as many of us use different casting methods. Seems fair to me, but I'm open to other ideasas well. ?? Does the plug have to be hand crafted regardless if it's wax or foam? Meaning no using pre-made store purchased or machine made items which can be used as a plug for sand or ceramic shell forming? A You may use store bought items and recreate them in metal. Ill move the Q&A's from here and put them into the sticky area... As soon as i get home..
That may fall into a more rule stringent category where self demonstration would be required...hope those wings arent too pointy...
I'm up to my neck in dogs and junk. sorry, but gotta count me out. October is heavy maintenance month for me.
Gotta figure out what the heck to do......give me a couple days but will try to come up with something. Gotta get my artsy-fartsy on. When is entry deadline and completion...Halloween day as title suggests? Best, Kelly
All my stuff is packed up. I'll be lucky to get set back up before spring. I don't do Halloween anyway, might make a pumpkin or something.
I just let Talespinner from AA and a newbie jewelry caster (Julia) who I found in one of TS's sculpting threads over on the reaper miniatures forum know about this forum and contest, maybe they'll come sign up too... There's a finder's fee if they win, right? Jeff