Hi fellow casting friends.

Discussion in 'New member introductions' started by Malcolm Byers, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. I have been practicing casting for a few years now. With many failures I might add. I have a propane fired foundry I built myself. I am now in the process of making some tools etc. to help with my casting. I look forward to sharing with you guys.
  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Welcome Malcolm. We need photos around here. Some of us work better with the picture menu at burger king. :D;)
  3. rocco

    rocco Silver

    x2. Failures as well as successes please. We've got a great bunch of guys here, nobody here will mock you for your failures because we've all had them and we know they are often more instructive than successes.
  4. DavidF

    DavidF Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    New guy buys the beer :D:D lol...
    Welcome Malcolm :)
  5. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    x3! Welcome to the home foundry.

  6. dennis

    dennis Silver

    Regarding pictures - I natively think in pictures, so they are easier for me to follow.

    I really doubt I'm the only one like that here.

    Oh, and bring your mo(u)der's shovel. The sand is waiting.

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