Is Alloy Avenue Forum closed?

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by Val, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. Val

    Val Copper

    I clicked on a link on this forum that goes to Alloy Avenue and the page never loaded.
    Is that site out of order?

  2. It's dead and gone.
  3. Riley Alfred

    Riley Alfred Copper Banner Member

    I have been able to view the Alloy Avenue pages through the "snapshots" on the Internet Wayback Machine (aka. the Internet Archive). You can find the history/snapshots of the Alloy Avenue website here, and one of the later working versions of the forum is indexed here (as of 8 March 2020).
    dtsh and Tops like this.
  4. Rasper

    Rasper Silver Banner Member

    I was the final administrator for Alloy Avenue. When it broke I did not have the necessary admin privileges to fix it. At the time I hadn't heard from the owner for five years. His personal web page is still up, but was last updated in 2018, and he has stopped selling books and furnace kits. He was always somewhat of a mad genius. Maybe he is off and running on a new interest. Or maybe he is dead.


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