Looking for CNC shaping/cutting of foam 24 x 48 x 2 or 3" in the US

Discussion in 'CNC machining projects' started by Tops, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. Tops

    Tops Silver Banner Member

    I have a buddy who make body boards (little surfboards) and his CNC vendors have been going AWOL lately.
    Does anyone with a CNC want a job or two or three in XLPE foam at the size mentioned in the title?

    I used to do the smaller EPS prototypes but my machine is not big enough for the 'whole enchilada' at 42" or 48" long. The work happens all on one side, I used to use a long 1/4" end mill.

    Post up here and I will PM you or PM me directly.
  2. ddmckee54

    ddmckee54 Silver Banner Member


    Maybe in a few months... I'm working on a CNC router with a 24"x48"x6" work envelope. Unfortunately it is currently just a RATHER large box of bits & pieces, and some CAD drawings.

    Tops likes this.
  3. Tops

    Tops Silver Banner Member

    Thanks Don. Best wishes for the upgrade!
  4. Patrick-C

    Patrick-C Silver Banner Member

    I have a 5' x 12' x 6" CNC machine. Let me know what is involved with material sourcing and product shipment and whatever else there is.

    Tops likes this.
  5. Tops

    Tops Silver Banner Member

    Thanks Patrick. I will get some more details to you. In the past I sourced the foam but now he has it.
  6. Patrick-C

    Patrick-C Silver Banner Member

    Okay, sounds good.

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