I bought a huge container of binder for making slurry dip years ago. It's lasted me a long time, but I've nearly run out. After doing a bit of shopping around, all I can find is stuff called Primecoat binder, which is priced rather high at around £20 a litre. I was hoping to find something a bit more wholesale and in a larger volume. I'm not sure what the proper name for the stuff is either. Binding agent? Silica suspension? Wetting agent? Not knowing is hindering my search a bit. I don't want to be searching for brand names like Primecoat or Suspendaslurry.
After more searching I found this company https://www.remet.com/en/ They sell at much better prices than the typical hobby brands. £3.50 per Kg. Comes in 43kg and 175kg barrels.