Lost Foam Sand Shaker

Discussion in 'Lost foam casting' started by oldironfarmer, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Made me a little sand sifter for sorting out the lost foam sand after casting. Standard screen wire and a GT-10 turbine vibrator. A simple chute from flashing directs the first stage into the bucket.


    Then it got a weir to only allow 3/8" of sand to go to the second part.



    Works like a champ.


    Since my foundry floor is dirt I'm dumping the residue on the floor. It is rejecting some sand I would keep but sand is cheap and this is fast.


    That was a full bucket of sand processed with about a cup rejected. The screen has to be level enough to sift sand through and steep enough that the big pieces bounce on out. A little more level and the screen fills with pieces just barely too large to go through. My screen could be coarser but it is working.
    Al2O3 likes this.
  2. Al2O3

    Al2O3 Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Aren't those turbine vibrators great!

  3. Very nice. I would not have seen them but for your postings. Thanks!

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