I am trying to use a simple hollow object command. I have used it before and it worked. Now it is playing silly buggers and I cannot figure out why. Google is no help, nobody else seems to have this issue. I have even loaded up a previous file that hollow worked on and it will no longer hollow it out. I can however insert a premade meshmix shape into a blank screen and then hollow it without an issue but all the models I load up no longer want to allow me to hollow them out. I feel like this has to be a simple setting (although who the hell would program a hidden setting in that disables you from doing anything useful) but I don't know. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I guess you've gotten no responses because the issue is so simple everyone is afraid of offending you...
Haha I suppose so. I think the issue might be that the model is set as not an object. So I can't make it hollow because it isn't an object. But i don't know how to make it register as a solid object. Or why it got like it is. The options are badly displayed in the program. Lots of hidden menus pop up when you do certain things. And are absent otherwise. And settings that are greyed out with no explanation as to why.
I have found that 3D programs are relatively simple once you know the commands and how they work. But figuring out what the commands are and how they work......now that is not easy sometimes. I was very intimidated by Solidworks when I got it, since is has a bazillion commands, but in the final analysis, I generally only use a handful of commands, such as extrude, extrude cut, rotate, etc. Probably 5 commands are used 95% of the time. Nobody told me that when I started using 3D. Edit: Sometimes it is handy to have a model in separate entities, and sometimes you want it to merge all into one solid. 3D is like casting metal, you just have to get in there and play around with it and find out what works.
You're telling me! I gave up on solidworks for now. You ever think of making a tutorial on those handful of commands?
I mapped out some stuff here: https://www.classicsteamengineering.com/index.php?topic=921.0 With some other stuff here: https://www.classicsteamengineering.com/index.php?board=291.0 .
There are some techniques that can save you a lot of time, such as where to begin a sketch plane such that if you have to stretch a part, you can without having everything blow up. An example is a steam engine cylinder with flanges. If you reference the flanges correctly, then you can lengthen the cylinder if necessary, or shorten it, and the flanges remain the same dimensions.
Another trick is if you have two parts that mate together, and they are the same or similar shapes, just make one model of the entire thing, save it as two files, and trim off the respective parts in each file. Saves a lot of time, and ensures that the parts match exactly. See post #12 here, the first four images. https://www.classicsteamengineering.com/index.php?topic=926.0 I use this trick a lot.
One of the things I have not detailed is how I use draft and machining allowances on parts to be cast and machined. When creating the finished machined drawings for parts, you do not necessarily show the draft angles and machining allowances for a part. But when making a model for patterns that may be created with a 3D printer, or even if the pattern is hand-made, you need the dimensions to include machining allowances (material added to the pattern that will be machined off), and draft angle. And you also need to add shrinkage when either 3D or 2D printing patterns, so you use a multiplier. All these variables make for a very complex 3D model unless you use various views. In 2D drawing view (a view name I made up, it can be called anything), you can print 2D drawings and see only the 2D drawing stuff at final cast and machined size. I have a view for machining allowances, so that those surfaces can be toggled on and off, and another one for draft angles.
In all CAD that I've used the starting part was paper and pencil! Sketch it, make a plan and then build the part by process. Particularly solidworks, a bad move early in the design will trip you up long down the line. (As far as software I wouldn't dream of using anything but SW but the license cost would kill me unless I could earn a few beans from it)
Sorry just saw this. I think your part is inside out. I believe you need to flip normals. You can tell from the outside pink color and the inside changing colors when you're applying the fills.