north rim view

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by PatJ, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

    "Statistic" is canyon-speak for death.
  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Stay off the donkeys! You're safer on 2 feet.
  3. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

    Made it down to redwall bridge, 2150 ft below the ridge, 2.1 miles.
    Going down was a stroll in the park.
    Coming back up got challenging towards the end.
    Wife has done 5 marathons, so no problem for her.
    I was wheezing a bit coming up.
    Heartbeat stayed around 120-130 coming up.
    Great views.

  4. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

    Look close and you can see the bridge.
  5. crazybillybob

    crazybillybob Silver Banner Member

    Looks like a great day for a rim jog!

    (Read the last sentence very slowly and carefully or you might think I'm a perv....)
  6. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

    When we were eating a snack on the bridge, an ultra runner came running by at a fast clip, and up the canyon trail he went.
    I got it on video.
    Most impressive fitness.
  7. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

    Also impressive were the numbers of women who passed us as we were decending.
    One asked "Are we almost there?".
    Being naive, I said "no you have a long way to go".
    We were about 1/4 mile in.
    I asked where they had started, and they said "South Rim", and I said well in that case yes you are there.
    " Close" is a relative term.
  8. PatJ

    PatJ Silver

    Lots of rocks out here.
    Jason likes this.
  9. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Bring that sucker home. I'll cut it up and make a lamp out of it's ass!

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