Porter Warner Foundry Supplies - Green Diamond Sand

Discussion in 'link to various suppliers' started by Mach, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. Mach

    Mach Silver

  2. theroundbug

    theroundbug Silver

    Nice! They have one right next to me. Is there a sales floor you can browse or do you have to know exactly what you want and invoice them?
  3. Mach

    Mach Silver

    I called their main number in Arlington and asked for sales. They do not have a catalog or website that lists their product offering other than this https://www.porterwarner.com/products/
  4. theroundbug

    theroundbug Silver

    Yeah I spoke to one of their reps. Houston warehouse seems to only have foundry maintenance supplies. He said most people order or send drivers to Arlington to pick up supplies.
  5. Mach

    Mach Silver

    I'll let you know if I make a run that way but it'll likely be this fall when things cool off. I did some welding this weekend - too damn hot for welding (or casting) for me.
  6. theroundbug

    theroundbug Silver

    It sure has been hot. I rarely cast during the day, though. Whenever I do a burnout it usually is ready for the pouring after 8pm so it's cooled significantly.

    I've just been looking for a supplier for bronzes. Crazy how none of the places I call on google maps have anything other than steel and aluminum, but there are half a dozen bronze foundries in Houston. Go figure

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