I recently bought resistance wire from TEMco Industrial. It was a good experience. I talked to a knowledgeable guy on the phone. The purchase was made easily and at a good price. Shipping was prompt. I am a happy camper. They seem to have pretty wide assortment of options of wire and related tools and supplies. https://temcoindustrial.com/electrical/wire/resistance-wire/ 1 (510) 490-2187 TEMCO INDUSTRIAL LLC 48621 WARM SPRINGS BLVD FREMONT, CA 94539 Denis
That is the heaviest they have listed. I needed 16 so did not ask about 12. I did get some 12 off Amazon at a good price. But it was a relatively short piece. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015WFYN78/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Denis
I have bought from Jacobs too but not for heavier gauge furnace wire. They cater to a different market so don't carry the heavier gauges of Kanthal but do in NiCr 80/20. They sell in small qtys and ship quite promptly. Good info at there site if you poke around a little. https://jacobs-online.biz/kanthal_wire.htm Best, K
It looks like TME carries Kanthal-D in 1.2mm and 1.5mm sizes. I suppose I could plug that material into my spreadsheet and see how it compares to A-1. Resistance Wire 1.2 & 1.5
I've bought heavier gauge KA1 and NiCr by the pound from Euclids for years. https://euclids.com/collections/element-wire Best, Kelly