Sand casting video with some interesting techniques

Discussion in 'Sand Casting' started by Melterskelter, May 29, 2021.

  1. Melterskelter

    Melterskelter Gold Banner Member

    Every time I watch one of these guys in the Third World sand casting I learn a few things. The skill and speed of this molder is impressive. His use of two “chopsticks” as drawspikes is cool. I also see he uses two small alignment pins (like I commonly use when appropriate) not the typical long pins we see.

    Tobho Mott likes this.
  2. rocco

    rocco Silver

    That mold with the multi piece pattern in a four piece flask is really impressive, I don't think most of us would consider attempting something like that and they make it look easy.
    Sidenote: it doesn't matter how many times I see videos like that, I still can't get me head around wearing flip flops in a foundry.
  3. Petee716

    Petee716 Gold Banner Member

    I'm amazed at the sand not dropping out of those thin flask sections.
    Although no one walked on their molds, bare feet seem to serve some of those squatting molders pretty effectively. I'm with you on the furnace guys though.
  4. metallab

    metallab Silver

    I've seen more of these Indian (or Pakistani ?) molding videos. Those guys are excellent and have more knowledge and experience than many of us.
    It is a shame that those have barely safety equipment (unprotected eyes near a furnace or pouring) and are paid so badly, a few dollars a day when they are lucky.
  5. rocco

    rocco Silver

    This video is a little different than most, here they seem to be using "normal" greensand rather than the molasses sand you see in most of the aluminum casting videos.

    I'd take it a little further and say they have more experience than ANY of us.
  6. Melterskelter

    Melterskelter Gold Banner Member

    It would be interesting to know for how many decades this pattern has been cast at this foundry. Did he learn from a master, maybe his father? Doing this pattern all day long day after day is physically punishing. Somehow the process is refined to near perfection.

    Clay likes this.

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