Compressor help

Discussion in 'Foundry tools and flasks' started by Zapins, May 16, 2018.

  1. _Jason

    _Jason Silver

    I'd recommend a local glass shop over Lowes.
  2. Zapins

    Zapins Gold

    Quick question. The blasting gun is working great but I'm getting a lot of clogs every few seconds because bits of shell are getting lodged in the intake. Is there some kind of pre filter device I can use to ensure only sand gets into the siphon?
  3. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Maybe blast over some kind of screen to keep the big chunks from eventually getting sucked up by the hose. You can always empty your cabinet and run your media through a screen and start again.
  4. Zapins

    Zapins Gold

    Alright I'll make and install a screen like that in april. Its a good idea. For now I just used a screen to sieve out the chunks and it helped a lot. Good sand flow.

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