Members video channels

Discussion in 'General foundry chat' started by Jason, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Haven't seen Scav post anywhere for a while, I can only hope he's too busy selling sweet cast iron legged dining tables to wealthy clientele.

    Bitchute is new to me. I signed up so I could sub to your channel, Pat. Hope you don't end up having to move it on me again! :D

    Andy, you'll be glad you named your channel your real name; when I started mine it took me a week to realize all my personal emails were now saying they came from Tobho Mott instead of my real name, and then only because people started asking me about it. I don't remember how I made it stop, just that it was too complicated. :rolleyes:

  2. Jason

    Jason Gold

    With this latest Alex Jones mess, it might be time to move the channel.. :rolleyes:
  3. Has anyone here with a Youtube channel enabled monetisation?. There's been a bit of controversy with some of the electronics and technical Youtubers noticing a drop off in views and new subscribers in September if they had monetisation disabled. As an experiment I tried to search for my ad free videos with fairly mixed results: "Home Foundry" and "Backyard metal casting" terms only bring up one or two of my videos around the 23rd page of results (along with a video or two of Tobho's) and not long after that the search results degrade into music videos and making fidget spinner videos. Some of my videos don't show up at all even though I know the search tags for them. Some people have advocated that you enable the advertisements and then narrow down the types that can be displayed into one or two ads, others suggest allowing ads on one or two of your older videos to keep Youtube happy.

    Has anyone experienced similar issues with your videos on Youtube?
  4. Funkster

    Funkster Silver

    Seems that these days, to turn on monetisation you need 1000 subscribers and 4000 view hours in the last year. If they never promote channels that aren't monetised, and you can't monetise a small channel, I'm not sure how you're supposed to get on the train.
  5. Really?, I didn't know you needed 1000 subs, hopefully the search weighting doesn't apply to smaller channels. Ok I just had a look at enabling monetisation, it'll let me with 600 odd subscribers.
  6. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Not monetized.

    'Backyard metalcasting' and 'home foundry' are two of the tags that I use on all the casting videos I have made; I assume that is why you found some of mine. If I was playing the YT game 'right', I'd probably have way more than (goes to check) 288 subscriptions by now and I'd be making a new aluminum video game prop sword or Chinese tool ad every week.

    I've heard monetization was for 1000+ subs too, but I never really looked into that to be honest. I do watch a lot, and I have some fun filming and editing my casting adventures, but really when I am publishing something there it's just photobucket with moving pictures. Not really what I want to focus on any more than necessary to be able to share what I've been up to and get some good advice, or maybe help out some guy who is newer to all this than I am.

  7. That's fair enough, I do understand Youtube's need to make money to pay for their infrastructure: servers electricity, Internet bandwidth. It's just galling to see some sort of "weighting" apply to push you towards monetization and a race to the bottom for content. It looks like they don't make a profit yet so I can understand some of their drive even if I don't like it: . Then there's the apparent drop in views for ad free Youtubers since September 2018 so they may even be trying to discourage folks who use alternative funding methods for their channel, like Patreon.
  8. Funkster

    Funkster Silver

    Huh, for me it gets stuck at stage 4, waiting for review (and to be reviewed it says I need 1000 subs etc.).
  9. Ahh, I only went to stage two... that explains it. :oops:
  10. Funkster

    Funkster Silver

    Maybe we're expected to buy some bot subscribers on the dark net...
  11. Hmmmm

    1. We will bury your videos at the back of the queue if you don't monetize.
    2. You can't monetize unless you have 1000 subscribers.
    3. See step 1.
  12. Rtsquirrel

    Rtsquirrel Silver

    My "smart" phone thinks some of the url's above should be opened in my podcast player. Even when I copy/paste into Chrome.
    I'll have to look those up on the laptop.
    I'm a chronic subscriber of all on these forums. Your videos help silence the voices in my head.

    EDIT: the "smart" phone thought url's should be auto corrected to "girls." Sorry ladies.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
  13. Jason

    Jason Gold

    Don't even get me started on the youtube scumbags. I am CONVINCED my stuff ends up on the bottom of the shit heap and I've decided I really don't give a F either.
    Stooping so low to pound out trash content just to keep people happy is not my idea of a good time. Subs will come and go. With youtube, you are either in full tilt or not at all. They require very regular uploads (minimum once a week) and short fast snappy videos with lots of frame breaks. I would like to think, my viewers aren't subject to the constant harassment of ads like I see on other channels. Non-monitization might help with this maybe? I find some channels I watch, I'll have to suffer through 3 ads over a 10minute video. Bitchute is probably the answer and YT and google can go take a flying leap.
  14. Ironsides

    Ironsides Silver

    I have been told by many youtubers that if you do not monetize your videos they will not be put higher in the search engine. I have been on youtube for well over seven years and have never monetized my videos so how come I can get 250K views for one video in three months? One of the reasons why it has done so well is presstubes video is on top of my suggested video list. I had a look at that video, it is a click bait video and a total waste of time to watch. So why did youtube favour my video, I have no idea it seems like rolling the dice and getting lucky. Another reason why I do not monetize is that I would earn so little money it is a total waste of time. I do not like ads on other peoples channels so why should I put ads on my videos. I have found sites that show youtube videos and all the ads are removed so I never watch youtube videos on youtube.
  15. Ironsides

    Ironsides Silver

    Mark I forgot to say my views have crashed since the beginning of October. Youtube seems to do that about every twelve months, my views crash and then slowly rise until youtube again fiddles with how videos are promoted.
  16. Some of the more popular channels with a technical aspect are advocating that you use an ad blocker plugin for your browser: they get a fair placing in the searches and the videos can be watched ad free anyway. The relative popularity of videos is a bit of a mystery to me: my most popular video was made in a hurry, has no speaking and looks like it was edited and thrown together from across the street. It's also a rehash of what I thought was common knowledge, but then what do I know.

    So it seems there's a constant fiddling around the edges with search algorithms to favour monetized channels and which they're not too worried about the collateral damage.
  17. Funkster

    Funkster Silver

    If there's one thing that's not common in the world, it's knowledge ;)

    I still enjoy watching lots of content on YT, and only a few of the channels I like have sold out (e.g. backyardscientist used to be at least a little bit entertaining, now just selling mattresses and DNA tests). Mainly I try to make the kind of content that I enjoy watching... but I can only surmise that I'm not representative of the masses since I don't like to watch rambling vlogs and people unboxing swag.
  18. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    I am not sure I understand what you mean by this. Does everyone have one of these lists? Where can I see what is on my list? I get recommended videos in my notifications and there's always a bunch of "up next" suggestions below whatever video I am watching, but they are always different.

  19. Funkster

    Funkster Silver

    Analytics > Traffic Sources > Suggested Videos, see what's on top. For me it's mostly my own videos.
  20. Tobho Mott

    Tobho Mott Administrator Staff Member Banner Member

    Ah, ok thanks. I haven't gone in to look at my analytics much at all, so that got me curious.

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